VID119 --- Retail: $19.95
VID119 --- Retail: $19.95
Designed by master dreamwalking shaman, E.J. Gold.
Created out of compassion for those who are in a world of pain this dvd is a spiritual healing journey.
It says on the back cover that there's no explaining the tape. Just put it on and push the play. The audio need not be loud; in fact, it's best if it's barely audible.
E.J. Gold has captured Angels Healing Journey in a Cybervideo.
"Gold's recordings have an innate ascentive quality that resonates in harmony with the macrodimensions, higher emotions and spiritual inspiration. They inspire serenity and bliss."
-- Glenn Perry, Samadhi Tank Co.
"The most remarkable visions I've seen since the Norman conquest." -- Lee Lozowick, author of The Alchemy of Sex.
"Lucid dreaming is easy when you have a T.V. set like mine." -- Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, author of Dream Assembly. "Microseconds after pushing the play button, I was out of my body. Within minutes I was out of the cosmos." -- Heather Valencia, author of Queen of Dreams.
"These dvds heal from the inside out." -- Patricia Elizabeth, Labyrinth Reader's Society